The list below contains the winners of the Gifts to InstaForex Partners campaign.
Account | Device number | Prize | Date of winning | Status |
8213362 | 21507 | iPhone | 25/07/2020 |
5599608 | 4080 | iPad | 23/10/2019 |
207251 | 67314 | GalaxyTab | 22/04/2019 |
1303739 | 30700 | Blackberry | 20/01/2019 |
459220 | 97116 | iPhone | 20/10/2018 |
548689 | 51846 | iPad | 17/01/2018 |
8199592 | 47720 | GalaxyTab | 17/10/2017 |
1458288 | 73236 | Blackberry | 17/07/2017 |
558231 | 25825 | iPhone | 14/04/2017 |
8271669 | 44066 | iPad | 13/01/2017 |
543326 | 16639 | GalaxyTab | 14/10/2016 |
8316374 | 82370 | Blackberry | 14/07/2016 |
8325396 | 34366 | iPhone | 13/04/2016 |
145969 | 76310 | iPad | 12/01/2016 |
7379396 | 77286 | GalaxyTab | 12/10/2015 |
303445 | 93857 | Blackberry | 10/07/2015 |
544978 | 11869 | iPhone | 10/04/2015 |
13699 | 17390 | IPad Air 2 | 09/01/2015 |
8210440 | 58231 | GalaxyTab | 09/10/2014 |
348670 | 66110 | Blackberry | 09/07/2014 |
173724 | 57251 | iPhone | 08/04/2014 |
158195 | 61281 | iPad | 07/01/2014 |
If you failed to find your account in this list, you can write an email to